Social care managers as leaders have responsibility to ensure the provision of high-quality care and support services.
Managers are expected:
- to lead person-centred, ethical and inclusive services,
- support and promote individual’s well-being, rights and independence.
Registration with the Social Care Council
As a registered social care manager, you are required to work to the Standards of Conduct and Practice for Social Care Workers which are binding on all social care workers.
To maintain your registration and evidence that you are meeting your Standards you must undertake and record a minimum of 90 hours of continuous learning and development during each registration period (every 3 years) – this is called Post Registration Training and Learning or PRTL.
NB: It is important that you keep a record of all your learning and development as you can be called for PRTL Audit.
New to Social Care Management
If you are a new manager, the Social Care Council has developed guidance to help you build your confidence, knowledge and skills to succeed in your job and support your staff.
The Managers Induction Programme outlines key areas of a manager’s responsibility including how to support colleagues and teams maintain and improve the quality of care and support provided.
The Induction Programme for Social Care Workers – Guidance for Managers – this guide provides sample questions and managers’ notes to help you use the Social Care Council Induction Programme effectively with your employees and support new staff through their induction.
Social Care Managers Forums
To support social care managers, the Social Care Council provides two regional Social Care Managers Forums each year, usually in May and November. Locations are chosen to maximise participation across NI with the May and November events being repeated once within a short timescale. These events provide an opportunity to engage with social care managers and share innovation and good practice. Presentations are delivered by the Social Care Council, RQIA, social care employers and others.
The events are free to attend and a free lunch is provided.
The focus of the 2022 and 2023 forums were on the Social Care Workforce Reform providing an opportunity to share workforce reform objectives including:
- the new Care in Practice Framework (CiP) for Social Care
- the new entrance qualification – Safe and Effective Care Practice certificate
The managers forums also provide an opportunity to:
- learn about managers and frontline social care workers attitudes, expectations and motivations to workforce learning and development and the new CiP Framework and Certificate
- hear about learning and development planning – an employer perspective
- hear how to understand and support people with visual impairment
- hear about Fitness to Practice referrals and what we can learn from them.
- hear about RQIA’s support volunteers initiative
- hear about research on what works in retention and employer examples of what they are doing to retain staff
- learn about apprenticeships
- learn about the new Social Care Council App that is being developed to support registrants.
Click here to access the presentations delivered at recent Forums.
Learning Zone Resources
The Social Care Council has developed a range of digital learning resources to support registrants continuous learning and development including two specifically to support managers in their role.
More Information and Guidance
Click on the tiles below to access two digital resources developed specifically to support managers and more guidance on PRTL for managers.
See Associated Resources for quick access to key guidance documents and forms.