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Understanding Children and Young People’s Development and Issues

The Northern Ireland Social Care Council (Social Care Council), in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast, Ulster University and Department of Health, have produced four user-friendly child development digital learning resources focused on a child’s journey to adolescence and beyond.


The resources provide access to high quality, dynamic and relevant information at your fingertips.


They are designed to support social work students, newly qualified and more experienced social workers at every level, to enhance their knowledge of child and young people’s development. They are also relevant to other professionals working across the health, education, childcare and youth justice sectors and to parents/care givers.

They include bite size segments including developmental milestones, and link to videos, theories, policies and references, to help build knowledge and understanding. Case studies based on real scenarios in practice are also provided. Specific issues covered include mental health, substance use, suicide, bullying, safeguarding, sexual exploitation, trauma informed approaches and the digital world.

They are easily accessible on mobile, tablet or PC/laptop meaning information and learning can be accessed on the go!


You can access the four resources below


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For more information:

If you have a question or want to know more, please email the digital learning team at: