You have now successfully achieved a place on the Degree in Social Work – what next?
The Honours Degree in Social Work is the recognised professional qualification for all Social Workers, including Probation Officers and Education Welfare Officers in NI.
The Social Care Council is responsible for approving, monitoring and quality assuring the Degree in Social Work courses in NI and setting standards for taught modules and Practice Learning.
Registration with Social Care Council
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council is the regulator for the social work and social care workforce across Northern Ireland. We regulate the workforce by:
- maintaining a register;
- setting standards for the conduct, practice and training of social workers, social work students and social care workers to ensure that the quality of care provided to people who use services is of a high standard;
- providing standards, guidance and advice we support our registrants to be the best they can.
The Standards of Conduct and Practice for Social Work Students describe the values, attitudes and behaviours expected of registrants and are a benchmark of good practice. You will be required as part of the registration process to sign a declaration that you comply with these standards.
Work-based Practice Learning Opportunities (PLOs)
Work-based practice learning opportunities (PLOs) are an integral part of the Degree in Social Work. The practice learning experience aims to provide students with opportunities to develop understanding, knowledge, skills, values and ethics in social work practice.
PLOs are coordinated by the Degree in Social Work Partnership in collaboration with all FHEIs and social work employers.
More Information and Guidance
Click on the tiles below to access digital guides providing more guidance and information on the following:
- The Degree in Social Work Programmes and what you will be studying.
- Values, Standards and Registration
- Financial and other support for social work students
- Degree in Social Work Partnership.
- Practice learning for social work,
- Standards and quality assurance for social work education and training.
See Associated Resources for quick access to key guidance documents and forms including: The Review of the Degree, The NI Framework Specification for the Degree in SW, Rules for Approval of the Degree, Guidance on PLOs and Individual Practice Learning Days, Designated Practice Learning Scheme, Standards of Practice Learning and Quality Assurance Frameworks (QAF) for Education and Training.