Supporting Health and Well-being
This resource provides information on some of the areas that impact on the health and well-being of the people being supported within adult residential care homes, nursing homes and day care settings including: risk management, moving and handling, first aid, reporting incidents, safe food handling, pressure ulcers and skin care.
Background and Credits
The resource was developed initially as Model 3 of the Adult Care Toolkit – Health and Well-being which was developed in 2017-2018 in partnership with Dementia Together NI, Ulster University, Palmerston Residential Home, PAMS Day Care Centre, NHSCT, BHSCT, Age NI, RQIA and Social Care Council Participation Group.
Some of the content has been redeveloped into separate stand alone resources as follows: Supporting Good Infection Prevention and Control, Medication Management and Good Continence Care in response to sector learning needs.
The resource has been updated and republished in September 2022.
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Updated: 12/04/2022