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Hopes and Hints - Responding to Living and Dying Issues during COVID-19


This resource aims to provide you with some helpful information as you respond to the big issues of living and dying during and beyond COVID-19. The resource is relevant to everyone including: social care workers, social workers, other health professionals, community groups, voluntary sector, churches who are all trying to support people and families impacted by bereavement.

Open Resource

Background and Credits

This resource was developed by the Social Care Council in partnership with social workers from the NHSCT, SHSCT, SEHSCT, WHSCT, NI Hospice and QUB to support social workers, social care workers, other health professionals, community groups, voluntary sector, churches during the COVID emergency and lock-down.

The resource was first published on 3 April 2020 and the resource is one of 4 specific COVID resources developed by the Social Care Council and partners which won the European Social Network Outstanding Team Award in November 2020.

The videos were produced in partnership with Slackpress Productions Ltd.


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Updated: 12/04/2022