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Grief and Bereavement

This resource has been developed to support social care workers and social workers to understand and recognise normal and appropriate grief responses, know how to support and communicate with dying and bereaved people and know the importance of self-care and personal resilience. It can also be used by other health and social care professionals, families and carers.

Open Resource

Background and Credits

The resource was funded by the Department of Health (DOH) to meet gaps identified in training around death and bereavement and has been endorsed by the DOH and NI Bereavement Network in 2020-2021.

The resource was developed in partnership with a content reference group consisting of representatives from each of the 5 trusts (BHSCT, NHSCT, WHSCT, SEHSCT, SHSCT,) CRUSE, Marie Curie, Hutchinson Care Homes, Clinical Education Centre and Health and Social Care Board whose expertise supported the NISCC to develop a comprehensive learning resource.

The videos were produced in partnership with Slackpress Productions Ltd.

The resource was launched on 7 December 2021 at a Social Care Council Lunchtime Seminar.

Click here to hear from Sean Holland, former Chief Social Worker, DOH (filmed for launch in December 2021).

Click here to hear from Dr. Patricia Donnelly, Chair of NI Bereavement Network (filmed for launch in December 2021).

Click here to view the lunchtime seminar presentations.


If you need any help/support using/accessing the above digital resources, please email 

NB: The resources work best when launched from Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari web browsers.

Updated: 20/07/2022