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Supporting Good Infection Prevention and Control


The resource has been developed to support social care workers to know what an infectious agent is, what standard infection prevention and control precautions are and the importance of following advice and guidance on infection prevention and control in all aspects of your work.

Open Resource

Background and Credits

The content for this resource was initially developed for Module 3 of the Adult Care Toolkit – Health and Well-being which was developed in 2017-2018 in partnership with Dementia Together NI, Ulster University, Palmerston Residential Home, PAMS Day Care Centre, NHSCT, BHSCT, Age NI, RQIA and Social Care Council Participation Group.

The resource was redeveloped as Supporting Good Infection Control and published on 11 March 2020 upon request by the DOH to support registrants at the start of the COVID pandemic. This resource was one of 4 specific COVID resources developed by the Social Care Council and partners which won the European Social Network Outstanding Team Award in November 2020.

The resource has been redeveloped in 2022 as Supporting Good Infection Prevention and Control by the Social Care Council in partnership with the PHA, RQIA and social care employers from SEHSCT and Positive Futures.

It was published in June 2022.


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Updated: 30/01/2025