Human Rights for Social Workers
Welcome to Human Rights for Social Work. This resource has been developed to support social workers and social work students to understand and know what are human rights, the legal framework and how are human rights applied.
Background and Credits
The content of this resource has developed by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council in partnership with Dr. Nazia Latif, Right Practice, Human Rights Consultant and content author and our Human Rights Content Reference Group.
The content reference group included the following individuals: Jane Hindes, Head of Service for Governance and Assurance in Children’s Services, SEHSCT, Geraldine McGuigan, Manager, VOYPIC, Susanne Cunningham, Assistant Director of Children’s Services, RQIA, Kathy Fleming, RQIA, Professor David Hayes, QUB and Gerard McWilliams, Service User.
The Department for Health (DOH) funded the development of this resource.
The films were produced by Slackpress Ltd.
The resource was launched on 20 February 2024 on World Day of Social Justice.
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Updated: 29/07/2024